Pemmican Patties


Whether you prefer blueberries with sage or cherries with chipolte these Pemmican bars are delicious and nutrious! Order yours today for your next hiking adventure, or a quick healthy snack in the middle of a busy day.

Sold By: Nawapo

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The Pemmican Patty Company is on a mission to carry on a nearly 200 year old tradition. The Metis’, people of mixed ancestry created the pemmican, a nutrious food source to sustain them during their long hours on the trails. Pemmican Patty Food Company, out of Bismark, ND, modernized this tasty resource.

These Bisonberry Blend Pemmican bars feature a blend of delicious and unique flavors. Starting with a blend of bison and 100% grass fed beef (no antibiotics or added hormones). Next berries, sea salt and maple sap- water (known for it’s ability to fight inflammatory diseases). Every ingredient added to these bars has been researched and studied. The makers at Pemmican Patty Food Company ensure each ingredient is sustainable, well-sourced, connected to their culture and full of health benefits!

Whether you prefer blueberries with sage or cherries with chipolte these Pemmican bars are delicious and nutrious! Order yours today for your next hiking adventure, or a quick healthy snack in the middle of a busy day.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Blueberry with Sage, Cherries with Chipolte, Blueberry with Sage 6 pack, Cherries with Chipolte 6 pack, Variety 6 Pack


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